
jeudi 24 juin 2010

Two awards to share

Hello all! I hope you are all fine and have had a great sunny day. I have received the following awards from the lovely Lorraine. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Lorraine, that is so kind of you!

It is really hard to give names I think, so I would like you my loyal followers to take these awards to thank you for your support, for never failing to leave me comments (and lovely ones!!) which I appreciate so much and for having accepted me in Blogland... Thank you also for sharing your wonderful creations that I always love discovering. I am really happy to have you as my blog buddies :-)!

Delphine xx

3 commentaires:

  1. Two well deserved awards Delphine. Your blog and creations are amazing, love coming along and seeing what you have made. Hope you have had a good day. I know the sunshine is lovely to have but it has been a bit tooooo hot for me also. Rosie x

  2. Hello Delphine,
    Vue les belles cartes que tu réalises c'est entièrement mérité :)
    Merci pour ton commentaire pour ma dernière carte. Ca ma fait super plaisir. Je me réjouis déjà de voir encore de tes créations.
    Gros bisous et excellent week-end.

  3. What lovely awards hun, and thank you for sharing. It's easy being blog buddies with someone as wonderful as you are. Hugs, Sxx
