
vendredi 3 septembre 2010

Still alive...

Hi all! In case some of you have doubts, I am still alive! I have had a terribly busy week with my 2 sons and 2 stepchildren going back to school... and my other half + me going back to school/ work too! Yes, going back to school times 6 for us... I am really tired, with no spare time, but I will try to catch up with you all this weekend and I am really looking forward to it!
Hugs to all of you,
Delphine xxx

Coucou! Je suis toujours en vie au cas où vous auriez des doutes... Semaine très chargée pour moi avec la rentrée... Rentrée x6 (2 fils, 1 beau-fils, 1 belle-fille, moi et ma moitié!). Je suis désolée de n'avoir pu rendre visite à aucune d'entre vous, mais je compte bien me rattraper ce week-end... et j'ai hâte!
Bisous à toutes et à très vite,

7 commentaires:

  1. Hi ya hun
    well as you have a good reason i will let you of, lol glad you are ok was just checkin, sue,xx

  2. Hello my luvly friend, glad to hear you'r ok...thought you'd popped away for a few days and not told us,lol .... you take care & dont work to hard...see you over the weekend...hopefully :) xx Lizzy xx :)

  3. It sounds like you have your hands full, my children go back to school monday. So will be getting everything sorted over the weekend.
    Take care
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. hiya delphine.glad you are ok hun.hope to see you soon :)

    xx coops xx

  5. Hey Miss Delphine! I've missed you :) Hoping things come back into control for you and your family. I totally 'get' it! Wishing you a moment of rest and peace soon.

  6. Hi hunny, glad you are ok. I can just imagine how much chaos you must have had to deal with this week. Hope we get to see you soon! Hugs, Sxxx

  7. Hi Delphine .. .. you certainly sound a very busy young lady.

    I hope you get some quality time to yourself soon. Hopefully all the children will be given lots of homework to keep them busy LOL!!!

    Thank you for all your lovely comments on my blog.

    Love Jules xx
