
mercredi 25 mai 2011


Hello all! I have been very upset because yesterday I was not able to leave comments to any of you and have had the same problem today. I still could not leave comments tonight, except I may have just found a solution 2 minutes ago, after reading many posts in "blogger help"! I happen to have both Firefox and Internet Explorer (IE8 I think, not the latest version) on my laptop and it seems I can leave comments using FIREFOX, but cannot using Internet Explorer (Blogger keeps asking me to log in). It does not explain the problem but I thought I would share, maybe it will help you... I will catch up with you as soon as I can:-)!
Bonjour à tous! Juste pour vous dire que je n'ai pas réussi à vous laisser de commentaires ni hier ni aujourd'hui à cause du vilain Blogger... Mais en fait, je viens de trouver une vague solution il y a 2 minutes, après avoir lu des infos dans le centre d'aide... J'ai Internet Explorer et Firefox (que je n'utilise jamais) sur mon portable, et seul Internet Explorer ne marche pas, Firefox marche sans problèmes pour moi! Je ne sais pas si cela vous aidera, mais vu qu'il m'a fallu 48h avant de penser à Firefox, je vous fais passer l'info! Gros bisous,
Delphine xxx

11 commentaires:

  1. Hi hun
    i had the same prob a while ago, then firfox played up so i am now on google chrome!! so far so good, sue,x

  2. I always uses Firefox and haven't got any problems with comments. So you may have a point there.
    hgs Dorte

  3. Hi hunni! I always had a lot of probs with Internet Explorer when leaving blog comms. I use Google chrome probs! Hope you're having a great week (apart from blog problems!)xx Jenny xx

  4. j'ai eu ce problème hier, aujourd'hui impec mais depuis quelques temps c'est pas drôle internet.... merci pur l'info je m'en souviendrai à l'occasion

  5. Hi Delphine

    I have had the same problem ever since "The Blogger Meltdown".
    I use internet explorer (no idea what version, I leave all the clever computer stuff to DH).
    DH cleared out my "cookies" what ever that means?! lol. and so far so good it all seems to be working fine.

    Michelle :-)

  6. Hi Delphine

    I read yesterday that if you un-tick the "keep me signed in box" when logging on Mr Blogger will let you comment.

    It worked for me last night and is working this morning too. I hope they manage to get everything sorted out soon.

    Other than pulling your hair out in frustration I hope all is good with you.

    Love Jules xx

  7. Hey hun - Chrissy suggested (and it worked for me so I'm sharing it) that on your sign in page you simply remove the tick from the "remember me" box. Hugs Sxx

  8. Blogger's a real at the mo isn't he?! I was fine until yesterday morning...and then I just couldn't seem to stay signed in. I use Firefox, but did try IE (version 9) to see if that would work...but it wouldn't and it's frustratingly slow compared to Firefox...but late last night it just started working again...hadn't done anything to my not sure why a miracle occured, but I'm glad it's working again now...let's hope it stays that way! :0)
    Helen x

  9. Oh merci merci merci Delphine ! J'ai galere pour laisser des commentaires sur certains blogs depuis deux jours ! You are my saviour ! It is working now thanks to Firefox ! Lots of hugs and love from Catherine

  10. Coucou Delphine ! Merci pour ton commentaire. Tu sais, ça me fait toujours plaisir d'avoir un petit mot de ta part (que ce soit au sujet des cartes ou pas :- )). Alors oui, j'ai aussi Firefox que j'utilise dans bien des cas lorsque l'Explorer "débloque" mais je crois que mon problème est vraiment lié à Blogger lui-même. J'ai écrit au support pour voir s'ils peuvent régler ça. A suivre... :-)) L'informatique, c'est bien mais c'est aussi "Aaaaahhhhrgggg" parfois, pas vrai?!?! hiihihih Taquine-moi autant que tu veux, j'ai de l'humour donc y a pas de problème ! ;- )) Ceci dit, j'y ai déjà bien réfléchi au marque-page. On va voir si l'inspiration fait son apparition d'ici ces prochains jours ! Bonne journée/soirée à toi ! Gros bisous. Francine

  11. Hi Delphine, Not sure why it happens but I use firefox and have probs sometimes... But also have trouble seeing some of the things people have with special backgrounds too! :(
    Hope it sorts out soon xx
