
mardi 7 juin 2011

HELP NEEDED... I am upset...:-(

Good evening! I hope you are well? I am, but just upset with technology, again... I am tired of having blurry photos on my blog (if you click on the images, you will see the pictures are clearer than if you don't click on them), and if I upload them to their original size then the photo is very clear but of course I can't see the whole picture because my column is too small! I have read that when uploading the photos blogger sort of resizes them which explains the blur, but I have not found how to solve the problem. So if you have any advice on how to have clear pictures on your blog, I would really appreciate... Thank you very much for your ideas! Have a lovely evening
Delphine xx

13 commentaires:

  1. Hi Delphine

    I will be interested to know the answer to this aswell.

    I have the same problem.

    I upload my photos to to add my watermark and then save them to my computer. Then I upload them to blogger from my computer. They end up blurry but just as you say, they look clearer if you click on them.

    Michelle :-)

  2. Hun, I am sad that yu are upset and I don't know the answer for you either. :(

  3. Hi Delphine,
    I cannot help you with your problem, sorry, but I have never seen anything wrong with your pictures. They always look nice and clear to me.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  4. awww... Sorry ideas here...My hole life is a bit of a blur...*lol* =)

  5. Delphine I thought I was the only one with this problem!! URGhhh
    Hugs Dorte

  6. Sorry you are upset hun. I have photoshop elements and I use it to crop and resize my images before I upload them to my blog and I have never had any image problems. In order not to have any distortion of my image, I looked in the HTML tab and saw what width blogger adjusts my images to, so I resize them to this width in photoshop first and I don't get any distortion. Eg I use the extra large size for my images and blogger sizes them at 640 pixels, therefore I size my images to 640 in photoshop first. You would have to find out the size of the pixels for the "small" size to fit your blog. I think this should work.....does it make sense? If not e-mail me hun and I'll try and help you out.

    Liza x

  7. Awww...have a hug from me :0)
    This happens to me too...the original files look fine...but a bit blurred on my blog...but really crisp when you click for a close-up...odd! So I'd be interested in the answer too...not sure I really want the hassle of uploading them to Photobucket first...
    Anyway...if it makes you feel any better...I always click the photos on your blog to get a better look! :0)
    Helen x

  8. Sorry your having trouble hunny! Sorry your upset! Hunny I re size my photos before uploading them do you have a program that you use to crop your photos? you can resize them there??? :0)

  9. aw sorry you are upset delphine.i also use a free photo editor program called
    i crop, add my signature,and resize my pics smaller.i also sharpen my pics by 10% so you csn see the details.your pics honestly don`t look blurry to me though :
    hope you find a solution hun.

    xx coops xx

  10. all your photo's look just perfect on my comp !! really !! not blurry at all and I did click on them to double check ,, and I do have my glasses on :-)


  11. Coucou Delphine,
    Blogger avait déjà eu un bug au niveau des images floues en janvier mais il semble avoir été corrigé. Peut-être est-ce en lien avec les problèmes qu'il y a eu récemment ou un nouveau bug?! Pour ma part, j'utilise un petit logiciel pour mettre mes photos au bon format avant de les uploader. C'est tout simple et très facile à utiliser (pas besoin d'être un grand spécialiste en informatique ;-) ). Si jamais ça t'intéresse, je peux t'envoyer le lien vers ce logiciel par e-mail... (c'est logiciel gratuit qu'on trouve sur le net). As-tu pensé à poser ta question sur le forum d'aide de Blogger en donnant plus de précisions techniques sur ton problème?
    Gros bisous et à bientôt. Francine PS: c'est de nouveau un truc du genre "aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh" hein?

  12. ah bon tes photos sont floues??? j'avais pas remarqué ben les miennes aussi doivent l'être.... désolée je peux pas t'aider!

  13. and the answer is:
    having uploaded your picture, click on the tab HTML. You will see lots of info including S1600 and S320 (further down the entry). Change the S320 to read S1600 and hey presto you should have a better quality picture.
    You will need to do this every time you upload a picture.
    I hope this helps.
    Jenny - Cupcakes GD
