
vendredi 30 septembre 2011

Make It Colourful #37

Hello all! I hope you are well? I thought I would let you know we have a new challenge for you at Make It Colourful, which is to colour "Sheer Clothing"! If you don't know where to start, there are fantastic examples by the DT, which you can see in the gallery HERE! There are also a few changes, the new challenges start on Fridays and run for two weeks! All the details can be found HERE!
I am sorry I don't have a card to share today and I am again really behind, but I am simply exhausted. I have not been well for the past few days and there is hardly a sound coming out of my mouth when I try to speak. Hopefully the weekend is here and I can get some rest! I hope to see you soon too:-) Have a lovely evening!
Delphine xx

Bonjour à toutes! Un court message pour vous dire qu'il y a un nouveau challenge chez Make It Colourful, l'idée est de colorier des vêtements un peu transparents ! Vous pouvez voir les exemples de la DT dans la galerie ICI! Il y a aussi quelques changements:-) Nos challenges commencent le vendredi et vous avez désormais presque 2 semaines pour participer!
Je n'ai malheureusement pas de carte à vous montrer, je suis juste épuisée. Malade depuis quelques jours, je ne peux plus parler ce soir (mais je peux taper LOL)! Le week-end est là, repos en perspective... Bon week-end à vous et à très vite. Bisous,

15 commentaires:

  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, Delphine. Have a relaxing weekend and hopefully you'll feel much better by the end of it!
    Hugs, Milla

  2. Hope you´ll feel better soon! Repose toi bien et passa un bon weekend =)

  3. I've seen the new challenge, and it's a tough one!
    Maybe I'll give it a try..
    I hope you feel better soon!
    Hugs Gea

  4. coucou!
    oh ben ma pauvre! j'espère que ça va aller vite mieux! t'as pris froid avec cette chaleur ou justement un coup de chaud?
    je pense bien à toi!

  5. Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well Delphine. I can really sympathise with you. I haven't been feeling unwell but this sore arm has been really getting me down, especially as I've had to work all day every day! I suppose it's lucky it's my left arm and I'm right handed but driving is quite painful. Every time I have to change gear it causes pain. On the bright side I think (hope) it's improving!! At least I have a day off tomorrow and I'm looking forward to crafting with Kath, Debbi and Anne. And at least I've got an excuse for being slow lol!

    Take care & I hope you feel better soon.

    Kat xx

  6. I am so sorry to hear that you are unwell Delphine I do hope that things soon get better and that you make a full recovery.
    Lorraine x

  7. Thanks for the info!

    Hey, Pixie Dust Paperie is celebrating our 1st birthday, we have a giveaway going on now and lots of specials for the month of October, stop by the pixie blog to check it out!

  8. soigne toi bien et repose toi
    bon week-end
    gros bisous

  9. aw sorry you are unwell delphine.take it easy and get some rest.
    feel better soon hun.

    xx coops xx

  10. Oh no~~not feeling well is a bummer :( I am sitting here feeling the same--spent afternoon at ER--I fell down some stairs 2 weeks ago and my right leg is swollen and painful so went to get it checked out. I am on the mend with a leg immobilizer and on crutches for at least a week--bummer cuz my crafting room is downstairs. Oh well time heals all so I will be praying for you Delphine :)
    Love--Mary lou

  11. Oh poor Delphine, I do hope you recover quickly and are feeling better real soon.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  12. Ohhh ma p'tite Delphine ! T'es une pauvre. En tout cas, je te souhaite beaucoup de repos pour ce week-end et j'espère que tu te rétabliras vite. C'est le contrecoup de la rentrée tu penses ou tu as "juste" attrapé un rhume/virus? Dors beaucoup, fais pas trop et nous on se réjouit de venir revoir tes jolies cartes dès que tu iras mieux.
    Gros bisous guérisseurs hihihi

  13. Sending HUGE get well hugs to you Delphine xx Jenny xx

  14. Salut Delphine,

    Prends soin de toi et rétablis toi vite !

