
vendredi 31 janvier 2014

SCACD Digital and Rubber Stamp Hop!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the SCACD Digital and Rubber Stamp Hop! If you have arrived from Susan's blog, you are in the right way! If you are lost or would like to start at the beginning, please go HERE!

Bonjour à tous! Blog hop avec SCACD aujourd'hui! Si vous arrivez du blog de Susan, vous êtes au bon endroit, si non ou si vous êtes perdus, cliquez ICI

Earlier this month, SCACD released the Montage collection of rubber stamps with a contemporary yet classic look that will make them a fantastic addition to your stamping toolbox for the years to come. They are available now for purchase HERE both in full sheets and as smaller sets. SCACD has also unleashed 12 fun and fresh SCACD Digital images for purchase HERE.

SCACD a sorti la collection Montage en tampons ce mois-ci, images classiques et contemporaines. Vous pouvez vous les procurer ICI en grand set ou en individuel. SCACD a aussi sorti 12 nouveaux digis, disponibles ICI!

The SCACD Design Team along with some guests have created a truly fun filled hop showcasing the new SCACD digital and rubber stamps. If you missed part of the hop list, then check out all the details at the Store Blog today! 
International customers:
The Digital Images can be purchased HERE. The new rubber stamps can be purchased at Quixotic Paperie for our international friends.

Pour les clients européens entre autres, les nouveaux tampons sont en vente chez Quixotic Paperie et pour les digis, c'est ICI

Here is the little card I made using Nancy's Mech Seahorse :)! Voici ma carte avec l'hippocampe Nancy's Mech Seahorse:)

Image: SCACD Nancy's Mech Seahorse
Colouring: Polychromos and Luminance pencils on Daler 1 Rowney

I had great fun colouring Nancy's Mech Seahorse, and challenged myself to try and make it look a bit metallic using pencils which was a first for me! I used plain cardstock and created a pattern with my SCACD Dandelion Knoll Statement Corner die (available from Quixotic Paperie HERE) and used 2 die cuts.

J'ai essayé de rendre un aspect métallique au crayon et pour le fond de carte, j'ai utilisé 2 découpes faites avec mon die SCACD Dandelion Knoll Statement Corner.

Challenges I am entering: 
Cute Card Thursday - Something New (new image)
Dream Valley - No Designer Paper

Now, your next stop on the hop is the talented Alaine's blog! Thank you very much for your visit, happy hopping!
Prochain arrêt pour le blog hop - le blog d'Alaine! Merci de votre visite et bonne promenade! Bises,
Delphine xx

12 commentaires:

  1. Oh you! You're just too good. :) Absolutely gorgeous, you've really brought the seahorse to life. You make me want to get my pencils out, but I'm nowhere near as good with them!

  2. so stunning delphine.i love your vivid colours and the seahorse is gorgeous :D

    xx coops xx

  3. Such a great image, love the colors!

    Hugs, Anne.

  4. oh wow! c'est super beau! on s'y croirait

  5. Wow!! This is just stunning. It's beautiful with your fabulous coloring and brilliant choice of colors. The way you used the dandelion die in the frame really makes it look three dimensional.

  6. WOW... the vibrancy you achieved with your pencils is fantastic!!!! Gorgeous.

  7. Ohhhhhhh!!!Il est trop beau cet hypocampe. Magnifique!!!
    Merci de ta participation au challenge de Dream Valley.
    Nathalie DT

  8. Wow. I love this card!

    Your coloring is absolutely amazing. You certainly achieved the metallic look!

    I especially love the depth of blue in the background and the colors of the back fins.

    I must investigate these Polychromos pencils.

  9. Just beautiful Delphine, amazing coloring and a strong design around the image. Just love it!
    Riet xx

  10. I love what you have done with the seahorse Delphine! Beautiful coloring, looks like very deep seas.
