
lundi 10 février 2014

Chloe Scene - Quixotic Paperie DT

Hello everyone! I am back to share another Tiddly Inks card I made for Quixotic Paperie, where you can preorder all the new release! I have used the adorable Chloe this time, and I have chosen to use two of the three sets featuring Chloe to make a little scene.

Bonjour à tous! Me revoilà avec une carte Tiddly Inks que j'ai faite pour Quixotic Paperie, cette fois avec la jolie Chloe! Il y a 3 sets différents avec elle et j'ai choisi d'en utiliser deux pour faire une petite scène. 

This super cute Chloe is from the Chloe and Her Friends Set, so is the sentiment, and the mushroom and Chloe's two Friends are from the Chloe Darkwing set. They are different elements, you can use only the mushroom if you like, or just one animal... which is what I like - you can have fun and combine them the way you want! 

Cette Chloe, et le sentiment, viennent du set Chloe and Her Friends et le champignon et les petits animaux viennent du set Chloe Darkwing. Ce sont des éléments indépendants, vous pouvez les combiner comme vous voulez - ce que j'adore faire! 

My scene is coloured with my beloved Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card and I have added a punched border and a Make It Crafty Chipboard from the Love Heart Swirls Set. There are still a few chipboard sets available, but these are the very last... once they're gone, they're gone!

Ma scène est coloriée aux Copic sur papier Make It Colour Blending Card et j'ai ajouté une bordure perforée et un chipboard Make It Crafty du set Love Heart Swirls. Il ne reste que peu de sets disponibles et ce sont les derniers... ils ne sont plus fabriqués, alors quand il n'y en aura plus, il n'y en aura plus! 

Skin/ Peau: E000, 00, 02, 11, 23, R20
Hair/ Cheveux: E55, 71, 74, 79
Outfit/ Tenue: R81, 83, 85, E40, 41, 42
Mushroom/ Champignon: E40, 41, 42, 43, 44, R35, 37, 39, 89
Grass and leaves/ Feuilles et Herbe: G40, 43, 46, YG25, 67
Flowers/ Fleurs: R37, Y000, 15, W1
Chloe's Friends/ Animaux: C00, 1, 3, R20, W0, 1, 3, 5

Challenges I am entering:
Feeling Crafty - Dies And/ Or Punches
Fairytale - More Than 2 Colours
Addicted To Stamps and More - Anything Goes
Inky Impressions - Someone Special

These Tiddly Inks sets as well as all the rest of the new release are available for preorder at Quixotic Paperie! You can see them all HERE! Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day!

Ces sets Tiddly Inks ainsi que toutes les autres nouveautés sont disponibles en précommande chez Quixotic Paperie! Pour tous les voir, c'est ICI! Merci de votre visite! Bises,
Delphine xx

9 commentaires:

  1. BEAUTIFUL colouring, as ever, Delphine! I love the little bracket edge at the top of your card, it adds interest without detracting from that sweet image! Hugs, Lisa x

  2. Trop mimi ! J'adore le lapin et l'hérisson !!! Tout en simplicité, cette carte est parfaite !


  3. Another beautiful creation Delphine, Jo x

  4. très mimi! bises

  5. What a GORGEOUS job you have done on this card. I LOVE the little image and your colouring is AMAZING!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Addicted to Stamps and More. We hope to see you back again soon :)

  6. Oh, she's such a cutie!!!
    Gorgeous card and I soooo much love the die/punch you used!
    Has a major 'wow'effect, ha, ha.


  7. so gorgeous delphine.stunning sweet image and your colouring is beautiful :D

    xx coops xx

  8. So very pretty. Love the design of the card and your amazing coloring.


  9. So very pretty. Love the design of the card and your amazing coloring.

