
dimanche 20 avril 2014

Mixed MediaING;) with SCACD

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday and Happy Easter! I have been playing with the new SCACD Elements Collection, a collection of four stamps I am in love with! They come as a collection of four, but Water, Fire, Wind and Earth can be bought individually too. They can simply be coloured and used on cards and are also great to play and be a bit "artistic" if you fancy too! I have wanted to try new things for some time and have been very inspired by Elaine's amazing art, and the gorgeous SCACD Water seemed like the perfect stamp for what I had in mind.

Bonjour à tous! Je me suis amusée avec les tampons SCACD Elements disponibles chez Quixotic Paperie, une collection de 4 tampons que j'adore! Ils peuvent être achetés comme set de 4, mais WaterFireWind et Earth sont aussi disponibles individuellement. J'ai voulu essayer quelque chose de nouveau et je me suis inspirée d'Elaine et de ses créations toutes plus belles les unes que les autres. Voici ce que j'ai fait avec le tampon SCACD Water.

Please note: US readers - find the Elements Collection at Susana's Custom Art & Card Design
International Readers - find the Elements Collection at Quixotic Paperie

I stamped SCACD Water in Versafine Majestic Blue Ink onto watercolour paper and started by watercolouring the background. Then I coloured my whole image using Faber-Castell Polychromos and added a bit of Pitt pen around my image. Next I tried to add some texture to my background, so I stamped text in Versafine Majestic Blue Ink, then dots in Colorbox White Ink, and then various circles in blue, white, and using a gold Pitt pen. At last, I wrote "believe" and "dream" and added gold with my Pitt pen on the borders of my card. 

J'ai tamponné SCACD Water à l'encre Versafine Majestic Blue sur du papier Aquarelle (Montval) et j'ai d'abord fait le fond à l'aquarelle. Ensuite, j'ai colorié mon image avec mes Polychromos et j'ai ajouté un peu de feutre Pitt près des contours. Puis, j'ai tamponné du texte en bleu, des points à l'encre blanche Colorbox et des cercles en bleu, blanc et au feutre Pitt doré. J'ai écrit "believe" et "dream" puis j'ai ajouté du doré sur les bords de ma carte au feutre Pitt encore. 

Challenges I am entering:
Cute Card Thursday - Splish Splash
Crafty Catz - B is for... (Blue)
Paper Crafting Challenge - No Designer Paper
Kit And Clowder - Something Blue

All the SCACD Rubber Stamps are available in rubber at Quixotic Paperie HERE for International, and for USA at SCACD! Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely Easter weekend! 

Tous les tampons SCACD sont en vente chez Quixotic Paperie ICI, et les lecteurs US peuvent les trouver chez SCACD! Merci de votre visite et bon dimanche! Bises,
Delphine xx

15 commentaires:

  1. Ouah!!!
    Comme essai, c'est magnifique.

  2. oh la la la la la la que c'est beau !!!! une merveille, on en prend plein les yeux, il y a tellement à regarder!

  3. Stunning project Delphine, happy Easter!

    Warm hugs

  4. Super card, thanks for sharing you wonderful creation with us at CRAFTY CATZ x carol

  5. This is beautiful. Love your mixed media and all the wonderful elements here!!!

  6. Woww this is soo stunning again my friend!!
    Hugs Kristel

  7. Absolutely GORGEOUS Delphine! Love how you carried the feel of the waves through everything!!

  8. Wow stunning piece of artwork, fabulous image, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week, Jac x

  9. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! Love it so much. :)


  10. So artistic and wonderful!! The background, and all of the subtle details are captivating!!

    Thanks for joining us at Paper Crafting Challenges, so glad you found us here, and hope you are inspired to join us again!

  11. oh wow I love your amazing background and the image is fantastic ;D

    xx coops xx

  12. A little hello! We hope that you are inspired to join us again - Come check out the NEW challenge posted today at Paper Crafting Challenges, and a chance for a Studio Calico Kit, WOW!!!! --- I hope to see you there!

    Remember you have 2 weeks ---And best of luck!

    -Hugz Kimberly

  13. babygirl972408 mai 2014 à 23:24

    très belle carte! bises
