
mercredi 14 mai 2014

Make It Colourful Challenge and MiC FB Challenge Reminders

Hello everyone! I am back for the mid-way reminder of our Make It Colourful May challenge, the Easy challenge is to "Use different skin colours" and the Hard challenge is to "Alter an image through colouring only" (no altering of the lines!)... a bit scary but the perfect opportunity to challenge yourself;) You can enter one or both challenges with the same project if you like too and the prizes are 2 $15 Gift Vouchers to Make It Crafty!

There is also a challenge going on the MiC Facebook group and three chances to win - a $10 Gift Voucher, and 2 prizes of a digi image each of the winner's choice! It's a photo inspiration this month, you can check it out HERE!

Bonjour à tous! Me revoilà pour le rappel du challenge Make It Colourful du mois de mai - le challenge facile est "utiliser des couleurs différentes pour la peau", le challenge difficile "modifier une image uniquement par le coloriage" (pas de modification des lignes de digis!)... ça fait un peu peur mais c'est le moment de tenter. Vous pouvez participer avec votre projet (même seulement une image, sans faire de carte) à un ou les deux challenges en même temps! A gagner: 2 bons d'achat de 15$ à dépenser dans la boutique Make It Crafty

Il y a aussi un challenge Make It Crafty dans le groupe Facebook et 3 chances de gagner - un bon d'achat de $10 et une image au choix pour 2 gagnants! Le thème du challenge est une photo pour inspiration - plus de détails ICI

I tried to alter an image for our Make It Colourful challenge and I did struggle a little... but it was fun! Here is the original image I used, named Mariah:

J'ai essayé de modifier une image pour notre challenge Make It Colourful et j'ai un peu lutté.... mais c'était sympa! Voilà l'image d'origine, Mariah:

My card... Ma carte...

Image: Make It Crafty Mariah
Colouring: Polychromos and Pitt Pastel Pencils on Daler Rowney

I printed Mariah in "no line" and in pencil, I changed her eyes a little, added eyelashes, gave her a necklace and of course changed her hair style! I coloured her using my Polychromos and used pastel pencils for the background.

J'ai imprimé Mariah en no line (en éclaircissant le tracé) et, au crayon, j'ai un peu modifié ses yeux, ajouté de long cils, un collier et surtout évidemment, une nouvelle coiffure! Je l'ai coloriée avec mes Polychromos et le fond est colorié au crayons pastel. 

Challenges I am entering:
Fan-Tastic Tuesday - CAS
Just Inspirational Challenge - Anything Goes
The Paper Shelter - Giryl Girl Card

Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Merci de votre visite et à bientôt! Bisous, 
Delphine xx

9 commentaires:

  1. Really cute card. Love the style you have used to make it. Looks great! Thanks for joining us over at the Paper Shelter this week.
    Love n hugs

  2. so stunning delphine.i love the pretty image and your pencil colouring is beautiful :D

    xx coops xx

  3. beautiful work! You can't tell that you have altered the image (if you hadn't told us)
    Hugs Gea

  4. Hi hun fabulous card thanks so much for sharing with us and very good luck Judith GDT Fan-Tastic Tuesday x

  5. Really sweet card and I LOVE your coloring. Thanks for joining us at The Paper Shelter!

  6. Adorable card. Thanks for joining our challenge at Fan-Tastic Tuesday, I do hope you will join in with the fun again next week...
    Suzy B Owner Fan-Tastic Tuesday

  7. WoW brilliant, you have def made the image your own :) Thanks so much for joining us over at JIC this week, hope you can join us next week. Sian (DT Co-Owner)

  8. What a pretty pretty digi image! You have colored her magnificently, too! I adore your card and it is so wonderful for our Girly Girl challenge over at The Paper Shelter. Good luck in the drawing! Hugs, Gail

  9. sympa cette carte! bises
