
dimanche 25 mai 2014

Quixotic Paperie DT: Wonderful Marcella

Hello everyone! Today I have a very "flaming" card for you that I made with a gorgeous Stamping Bella Uptown Girls Stamp available from Quixotic PaperieMarcella Masquerade, oh she is so classy! I imagined her with very vivid colours and here is the result...

Bonjour à tous! Une carte flamboyante aujourd'hui, que j'ai faite avec un tampon Uptown Girls de Stamping Bella en vente chez Quixotic Paperie - Marcella Masquerade, je la trouve super élégante! Je la voyais avec des couleurs vives... La voilà...

Stamp: Stamping Bella Marcella Masquerade, SOG Thank You Mae (sentiment)
Colouring: Watercolour and Polychromos on Arches
Inks: Colorbox White and Gold Ink

I stamped Marcella Masquerade onto watercolour paper and did the background in watercolours. I then coloured her in pencil and stamped a Some Odd Girl sentiment (from the Thank You Mae set). With white and gold Colorbox ink, I stamped around the image using texture stamps for a nice finishing touch.

J'ai tamponné Marcella Masquerade sur papier aquarelle et fait le fond à l'aquarelle. J'ai colorié mon image avec mes Polychromos et j'ai tamponné un sentiment du set Some Odd Girl Thank You Mae. J'ai tamponné autour de l'image des tampons texture à l'encre blanche et or Colorbox pour finir. 

There are lots of other gorgeous Uptown Girls available from Quixotic Paperie, you can see them all HERE! Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely Sunday! 

Il y a plein d'autres tampons Uptown Girls disponibles chez Quixotic Paperie, vous pouvez tous les voir ICI! Merci de votre visite et bon dimanche! Bisous, 

Challenges I am entering:
Stampin' For The Weekend - For the Girls
Divas By Design - Anything Goes

Delphine xx

11 commentaires:

  1. wow! that is amazing. love the colors! thx for sharing

  2. c'est magnifique !!!

  3. très belle carte! bises

  4. This is stunning Delphine. Love the gorgeous image and wow, such fabulous colours.
    Have a lovely week.
    Hugs Sharon x

  5. Your card is gorgeous Delphine - wonderful coloring as always!
    Wish you a wonderful week!
    Hugs Kjersti:)

  6. Carte très élégante et mystèrieuse ! Bravo !


  7. your card is on FIRE! its beautiful

  8. Oh Wow! this is gorgeous! what a wonderful image and your colouring is awesome… I love the bright and firey background… it shows off Marcella Masquerade perfectly!
    Thanks for joining us at Divas by Design this week!
    Hugs Sue B xx

  9. oh wow so stunning delphine.fantastic image and the background is amazing :D

    xx coops xx

  10. Just popped by to thank you for playing along with us at Stampin for the weekend with this lovely creation and I hope to see you again!
