
vendredi 16 décembre 2011

Phone and internet issues... AARRRRGGGHHHH

Hi all! Just a quickie to let you know I have no phone at the moment and only seem to have internet access for what seems like 30 seconds in a row, then nothing... I can't go blogging or write the emails I want to write, which is REALLY getting on my nerves and upsetting me, and I can't finish my Christmas shopping either LOL! I guess it is due to the bad weather we have had but have no idea when things are going to get better, fingers crossed it is very soon!! Posting while the lights are green on my box...
Pas de téléphone du tout et internet juste par intermittence, je publie tant que je vois les lumières vertes sur ma box, avant que tout s'éteigne à nouveau... Moi aussi je suis verte, pas de visite, pas d'emails, et pas de shopping de Noël... J'espère que ça va rentrer dans l'ordre très vite... Bref, ne vous inquiétez pas... Bisous à toutes,
Hugs to all,
Delphine xx

4 commentaires:

  1. Aww hope you get your internet back soon Delphine! Ooh that must be awful not being able to do your Christmas Shopping! :-( really sorry! hope things improve soon!!
    Big Hugs!
    Sue xx

  2. Isn't it scary how quickly we come to rely on the internet - I would be lost without it now for sure, and I hate it when our demented modem throws one of it's infamous wobblys. Hope you get sorted soon hunny. Sending big warm furry hugs (they need to be, it is sooooo cold here), Sxxx

  3. Oh Sweetie I do hope everything will be soon back to normal ! I could not live without my computer and the Internet so I can image what it is like ! Have a great week-end nevertheless !

  4. i hope your internet is back to normal soon delphine.take care.

    xx coops xx
