
mercredi 9 avril 2014

CC Designs Blog Hop Winner and MIM Tutorial

Hello everyone! I'm back with my MIM post for CC Designs and a tutorial on dotted backgrounds. But before that, here is my winner of the CC Designs Birthday Blog Hop:

Bonjour à tous! Me revoilà avec mon MIM pour CC Designs et un petit tutoriel sur les fonds à petits points ;) Mais d'abord le gagnant du Blog Hop CC Designs

And the lucky winner is Squirrel from Squirrel's World! Congratulations sweetie! Please email Christine at and put Birthday Blog Hop Winner (Delphine) in the suject line!

Onto my tutorial - I have used CC Designs May Day Birgitta, coloured in Copics, using the following colours:
Pour mon tutoriel, j'ai utilisé May Day Birgitta, coloriée au Copic avec les feutres suivants: 

Skin/ Peau: E0000, 000, 00, 02, 11, 23, R20
Hair/ Cheveux: C 3, 5, 7, 9
Dress/ Robe: BG000, C0, 1, 3
Shoes/ Chaussures: C0, 1, 3
Flowers/ Fleurs: E40, 41, 42, R35, 37, 39, RV52, 55, 66, YG17, 25
Ground/ Sol: W1, 3, 5
Background/ Fond: C00, 1, 3, RV52

STEP 1/ Etape 1

I have stamped May Day Birgitta with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink onto Make It Colour Blending Card and coloured her with Copics. I always colour my image first and do the background last because I use some of the colours present in the image for the dotted background. In this case, I choose to focus on black and pink, the dominant colours, and would like a soft look, so I choose my Copics C00, 1, 3 and RV52 for the background - the lightest colours of each shade I used for my image. My background will be grey with a light touch of pink.

J'ai tamponné May Day Birgitta à l'encre Memento sur papier Make It Colour Blending Card. Je colorie toujours mon image d'abord et le fond ensuite car j'utilise certaines des couleurs présentes dans mon image pour le fond. Je me suis concentrée sur le noir et le rose, les couleurs dominantes, et je veux un fond doux, donc je choisis d'utiliser mes Copic C00, 1, 3 et RV 52 - les plus claires des deux teintes de mon image. Mon fond sera donc gris avec une touche de rose. 

STEP TWO/ Etape 2

Take the darkest of your greys - C3, and with a light touch, start making little dots all around your image. I start from the bottom left, go around my character to finish at the bottom right. I put more dots very close to the lines and in the angles and add less as I move a little bit away from my character.

Avec mon gris le plus foncé - C3 - je commence à faire des petits points tout autour de mon image. Je commence en bas à gauche et je fais le tour de mon personnage pour finir en bas à droite. Je fais plus de points près des lignes et dans les coins.

STEP 3/ Etape 3

Take your next lightest grey C1, make dots in the same way, going over the C3 dots and expanding the dotted area a little.

Je prends mon gris un ton plus clair - C1 - et je fais des points de la même manière en repassant les points au C3 et en agrandissant un peu la zone de points. 

STEP 4/ Etape 4

Now take your light pink RV52 (save your lightest colour C00 for blending at the last step) and add dots in the same way, but not as many as the gray ones.

Je prends maintenant mon rose pâle RV52 (je garde la couleur la plus claire C00 pour fondre l'ensemble à la toute fin) et j'ajoute des points toujours de la même manière, mais en en faisant moins que les gris. 

STEP 5/ Etape 5

Use your lightest colour C00 to blend the dots and give a very soft look. To do so, work in flicking motions starting at the black lines and going towards the outside of your card, away from your image.

Maintenant, C00 pour fondre les points, en partant de l'image et en chassant vers l'extérieur.

STEP 6/ Etape 6
Finished card
Dotted T Photo 6 Carte

: CC Designs May Day Birgitta and Magical Wishes Sentiments
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
Other: Pearls, Martha Stewart punch

Thank you very much for your visit! Merci de votre visite! Bises,
Delphine xx

6 commentaires:

  1. Great tutorial Delphine.I've done that technique before but wasn't satisfied with the results. I will definitely try the way you do it. Looks fab!

  2. I've been waiting for you to post this... DIBBS xxx

  3. Me? Are you sure? Ooh ooh ooh! Oh wow! Skipping! Oh my gosh, thank you so much. Gone all dithery now. AND YOUR CARD IS AWESOME! Big Fat Squishy Hugs xx

  4. so gorgeous Delphine!!!!! She's a doll. When you choose the color to bring into the gray mix… did you choose the RV52 because of the pink in her flowers? or do you always use this color? Thank you for sharing your technique! Love it! (one place in the tutorial you have it typed as BV52)

  5. so stunning delphine.fabulous colouring and I love the sweet image :D

    xx coops xx

  6. magnifique !!! merci pour le tuto ;)
