
samedi 5 avril 2014

Tilda's Town #99

Hello everyone! If you are looking for my CC Designs Birthday Hop post please click HERE
I'm back to tell you about the new challenge at Tilda's Town and this week's theme is Fussy & Fancy or Clean & Layered! As always you can win a $10 Gift Certificate to the store!

Bonjour! Si vous cherchez ma carte pour le blog hop de CC Designs, cliquez ICI
Me revoilà pour vous parler du nouveau challenge chez Tilda's Town, et cette semaine, le thème est "Fussy & Fancy ou Clean & Layered" soit une carte avec plein d'embellissements, ou une carte toute simple - à gagner, un bon d'achat de $10 à dépenser chez Tilda's Town!

 Tilda's Town is a most magical shop specializing in Magnolia Stamps. Over 1,100 stamps in stock at all times. Tilda's Town offers FREE worldwide shipping on every order, every day. You can also save up to an additional 20% on your purchase by using one of the famous coupon codes. Shop at and live the magic.

I have chosen to do a clean card... Surprised;)? For this one, I have combined different things for my colouring - watercolour, watercolour pencils, Pitt artist pens...

Une carte forcément simple;)... Et de l'eau cette fois ;)... Aquarelle, crayons aquarellables et un tout petit peu de Pitt...

Stamp: Magnolia Pisces Tilda
Colouring: Watercolour, Watercolour Museum and Supracolor Pencils, Pitt Artist Pens on Canson Montval
Embellishments: Dutch Doobadoo Paper Art Corners, pearls

I have only added little corners, which are Dutch Doobadoo Paper Art Corners, coloured in Copics and 2 pearls.

J'ai juste ajouté deux petits coins - Dutch Doobadoo Paper Art Corners - coloriés au Copic, et deux perles. 

Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Merci de votre visite et bonne journée! Bises,
Delphine xx

4 commentaires:

  1. so adorable delphine.gorgeous sweet image and your colouring is beautiful :D

    xx coops xx

  2. Very beautiful coloring Delphine!
    Good Sunday!
    Hugs from Brazil

  3. elle est fabuleuse!!! le coloriage est une merveille !!! je ne connaissais pas cette marque de coins etc.

  4. Woww this is absolutely stunning Delphine!
    Hugs Kristel
