
mardi 29 avril 2014


Hello everyone! Today I'm sharing a 100% Copic and Make It Crafty card I should have posted earlier to tell you about the challenge at Deep Ocean - so let's say this is a mid-way reminder... The challenge at Deep Ocean is "Stitching" ( Real or Faux) and there is a fab prize for grabs, a £10 Gift Voucher to the Ribbon Girl store that you don't want to miss!

Bonjour! Une carte 100% Copic et Make It Crafty aujourd'hui et un rappel du challenge chez Deep Ocean "Stiching/ Couture" avec un bon d'achat de £10 pour la boutique The Ribbon Girl à gagner! 

Images: Make It Crafty Pipi, Dandelions and Shrubs
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
Other: Hand stitching

I merged 3 Make It Crafty images for this scene - the adorable Pipi, with Dandelions and I added Shrubs to have something in the distance but cropped it to leave the space behind the dandelions empty. I printed my scene on Make It Colour Blending Card and coloured it in Copics. Then I pierced the border of my image and did some handstitching. 

J'ai combiné 3 images Make It Crafty pour cette scène - la petite Pipi, les pissenlits Dandelions et j'ai ajouté des arbustes Shrubs dans le fond, image que j'ai rognée pour ne garder des arbres qu'à droite et laisser de l'espace derrière les dandelions. J'ai imprimé ma scène sur papier Make It Colour Blending Card et je l'ai coloriée au Copic. Puis, avec un perce papier, j'ai percé une bordure que j'ai ensuite cousue à la main. 

Skin/ Peau: E0000, 000, 00, 11, 21, 23, R20
Hair/ Cheveux: E49, 55, 59
Dress/ Robe: V01, 04, 06, 09
Sky/ Ciel: BG000, BV20, C00, 0
Dandelions/ Pissenlits: BG000, W0, 1, 3, 5
Background grass/ Herbe (fond): YG01, 03, 17, 67
Foreground grass and leaves/ Herbe et feuilles (1er plan): YG03, 17, 95, 97, 99
Shrubs/ Arbres: G28, 43, 46, YG03

Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Merci de votre visite et à bientôt! Bisous,
Delphine xx

New challenge at Tiddly Inks!

Hello everyone! It's Tuesday and time for a new challenge at Tiddly Inks! This week, we are having a Flower Challenge! My teamies have made gorgeous cards, you can see them all HERE

Bonjour à tous! Mardi, c'est l'heure d'un nouveau challenge chez Tiddly Inks! Cette semaine, le thème est "Des fleurs"! Mes collègues ont fait de superbes cartes, vous pouvez les voir ICI

Image: Tiddly Inks Cute-ilicious
Colouring: Polychromos on Daler Rowney

Pretty simple, I know... I just could not bring myself to add anything else to this image!

Super simple, je sais... Impossible de me faire ajouter quoi que ce soit à cette image! 

Challenges I am entering:
Paper Crafting Challenges - No DP (entry #2)
Fairytale - Cute Only

Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely day! Merci de votre visite et bonne journée! Bisous,
Delphine xx

lundi 28 avril 2014

CC Designs MAY release previews!

Hello everyone! Yes, you've read that right - May is almost here and we are starting previewing the new stamps at CC Designs today! There are lots of cuties coming! Meet Flower Pots Lucy...

Bonjour à tous! Vous avez bien lu - le mois de mai est presque là et on commence à vous montrer les nouveautés aujourd'hui chez CC Designs, plein de nouveautés craquantes! Voici Flower Pots Lucy...

Stamps: CC Designs Flower Pots Lucy and Garden Candy Labels
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
Other: MS punch, ribbon and stickles

I stamped Flower Pots Lucy on Make It Colour Blending card and coloured her in Copics. The little accessories I added - the butterfly, the stamped circle and the tiny flower are part of the Garden Candy Labels set.

J'ai tamponné Flower Pots Lucy sur papier Make It Colour Blending card et je l'ai coloriée au Copic. Les petits accessoires que j'ai ajoutés - le papillon, le rond et la petite fleur viennent du set Garden Candy Labels

Don't forget to visit the CC Designs blog to see much more of the release ;)! Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Hugs,

N'oubliez pas de vous rendre sur le blog de CC Designs pour en voir plus et peut-être gagner quelque chose;)! Merci de votre visite, bonne fin de journée! Bisous,
Delphine xx

dimanche 27 avril 2014

Fairy In Flight at Quixotic Paperie

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday! I am back with a simple Fairy scene I made with my Quixotic Paperie stamps, combining Some Odd Girl and Make It Crafty!

Bonjour à tous! Je partage une petite carte que j'ai faite pour Quixotic Paperie, avec des tampons Some Odd Girl et Make It Crafty!

I stamped Fairy In Flight by Some Odd Girl on Make It Colour Blending Card and coloured her with Copics. On watercolour paper, I stamped Make It Crafty Petals And Palings - a fence I love because of its shape, perfect to add something in the middle. I coloured all the background using watercolours. I then cut out my fairy and put her on thin foam squares. I stamped one of the sentiment, coming from the same Fairy In Flight set and also added a little cloud from the set, stamped in white ink. 

J'ai tamponné Fairy In Flight sur papier Make It Colour Blending Card et je l'ai coloriée au Copic. Sur du papier aquarelle Montval, j'ai tamponné la barrière Make It Crafty Petals And Palings - une barrière que j'adore pour sa forme, parfaite pour placer quelque chose au milieu. J'ai colorié tout mon fond à l'aquarelle. Ensuite, j'ai découpé ma fée, je l'ai placée sur mousse 3D. Le sentiment vient du set Fairy In Flight aussi, et j'ai ajouté un petit nuage tamponné en blanc, du même set

Challenges I am entering:
Crafty Catz - Anything Goes
Addicted To Stamps - Things with Wings
Linking to SOG Linky Party too!

Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely Sunday! Merci de votre visite et bon dimanche! Bisous,
Delphine xxx

*** Latest Arrivals ***

mardi 22 avril 2014

New Digi Release at Tiddly Inks!

Hello everyone! Exciting day today! There are new images being released at Tiddly Inks! YAY! And they are totally adorable! You are going to love them!

Bonjour à tous! Ajourd'hui sortent de nouveaux digis Tiddly Inks! Youpi! Et ils sont super mignons, vous allez les adorer! 

Here is one of the new images called Valentine Pixie...
Voici une des nouveautés - Valentine Pixie...

Images and stamps: Tiddly Inks Valentine Pixie, Tiddly Inks Ellie Says Be Happy (sentiment)
Colouring: Polychromos on Daler Rowney

Don't you just love those little pixies? To see all the new images and my DT sisters' adorable creations, please click HERE

Pour voir toutes les nouvelles images et les créations de mes collègues de la DT, c'est ICI

Challenges I am entering:
Card Mania - Fairies
Crafty Calendar - Things With Wings

Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely day! Merci de votre visite et bonne journée! Bisous,
Delphine xx

dimanche 20 avril 2014

Mixed MediaING;) with SCACD

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday and Happy Easter! I have been playing with the new SCACD Elements Collection, a collection of four stamps I am in love with! They come as a collection of four, but Water, Fire, Wind and Earth can be bought individually too. They can simply be coloured and used on cards and are also great to play and be a bit "artistic" if you fancy too! I have wanted to try new things for some time and have been very inspired by Elaine's amazing art, and the gorgeous SCACD Water seemed like the perfect stamp for what I had in mind.

Bonjour à tous! Je me suis amusée avec les tampons SCACD Elements disponibles chez Quixotic Paperie, une collection de 4 tampons que j'adore! Ils peuvent être achetés comme set de 4, mais WaterFireWind et Earth sont aussi disponibles individuellement. J'ai voulu essayer quelque chose de nouveau et je me suis inspirée d'Elaine et de ses créations toutes plus belles les unes que les autres. Voici ce que j'ai fait avec le tampon SCACD Water.

Please note: US readers - find the Elements Collection at Susana's Custom Art & Card Design
International Readers - find the Elements Collection at Quixotic Paperie

I stamped SCACD Water in Versafine Majestic Blue Ink onto watercolour paper and started by watercolouring the background. Then I coloured my whole image using Faber-Castell Polychromos and added a bit of Pitt pen around my image. Next I tried to add some texture to my background, so I stamped text in Versafine Majestic Blue Ink, then dots in Colorbox White Ink, and then various circles in blue, white, and using a gold Pitt pen. At last, I wrote "believe" and "dream" and added gold with my Pitt pen on the borders of my card. 

J'ai tamponné SCACD Water à l'encre Versafine Majestic Blue sur du papier Aquarelle (Montval) et j'ai d'abord fait le fond à l'aquarelle. Ensuite, j'ai colorié mon image avec mes Polychromos et j'ai ajouté un peu de feutre Pitt près des contours. Puis, j'ai tamponné du texte en bleu, des points à l'encre blanche Colorbox et des cercles en bleu, blanc et au feutre Pitt doré. J'ai écrit "believe" et "dream" puis j'ai ajouté du doré sur les bords de ma carte au feutre Pitt encore. 

Challenges I am entering:
Cute Card Thursday - Splish Splash
Crafty Catz - B is for... (Blue)
Paper Crafting Challenge - No Designer Paper
Kit And Clowder - Something Blue

All the SCACD Rubber Stamps are available in rubber at Quixotic Paperie HERE for International, and for USA at SCACD! Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely Easter weekend! 

Tous les tampons SCACD sont en vente chez Quixotic Paperie ICI, et les lecteurs US peuvent les trouver chez SCACD! Merci de votre visite et bon dimanche! Bises,
Delphine xx

samedi 19 avril 2014

Tilda's Town #101!

Hello everyone! Today is the start of a new challenge at Tilda's Town and this week's theme is April Showers Bring May Flowers! As always you can win a $10 Gift Certificate to the store!

Bonjour! Me revoilà pour vous parler du nouveau challenge chez Tilda's Town, et cette semaine, le thème est "April Showers Bring May Flowers", nous attendons donc une carte avec de la pluie ou des fleurs - à gagner, un bon d'achat de $10 à dépenser chez Tilda's Town!

 Tilda's Town is a most magical shop specializing in Magnolia Stamps. Over 1,100 stamps in stock at all times. Tilda's Town offers FREE worldwide shipping on every order, every day. You can also save up to an additional 20% on your purchase by using one of the famous coupon codes. Shop at and live the magic.

I have focussed on flowers and not rain and have used 3 DPs - I know, what a shock;)!

J'ai choisi de me concentrer sur les fleurs et non la pluie et j'ai utilisé 3 papiers - quel choc, je sais;)! 

Stamp: Magnolia Tilda Binding Flowers
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
DPs: Maja Design
Dies: MFT, CC Cutter Hearts And Arrow Die

Challenges I am entering:
Chocolate, Coffee and Cards - Spring
The Paper Shelter - Spring is here!
Stamp And Create - Spring Flowers
Lovely Hanglar Or Sweet Magnolias - Spring
Color Me Creative - Anything Goes (2)
Sweet Stampin' - Lots of Layers

Thank you very much for your visit! Happy Easter! Merci de votre visite et Joyeuses Pâques! Bisous,
Delphine xx

mercredi 16 avril 2014

CC Designs April Review

Hello everyone! It's Review Day at CC Designs and we are focussing on the adorable Roberto's Rascals stamps today. I have used Cupcake Nancy:)

Bonjour à tous! Chez CC Designs, la DT  partage des créations avec les nouveautés du mois de la gamme Roberto's Rascals aujourd'hui. Voilà ma carte avec Cupcake Nancy:)

Stamp: CC Designs Cupcake Nancy
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
DPs: Doodlebug
Other: CC Designs Heart A Plenty Chipboard and MFT die

Challenges I am entering:
Cards Und More - No Flowers
Color Me Creative - Anything Goes

Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Merci de votre visite et bonne fin de journée! Bisous,
Delphine xx

mardi 15 avril 2014

New Tiddly Inks Challenge!

Hello everyone! It's Tuesday so time for a new challenge at Tiddly Inks! This fortnight, it's all about "Celebrations"! I had love and weddings in mind, so here is what I've done:)

Bonjourà tous! Mardi, c'est l'heure d'un nouveau cahllenge chez Tiddly Inks! Le thème est "Célébrations" - plein de possibilités donc, j'ai choisi mariages et amour ;)

Images and stamps: Tiddly Inks You and Me, Make It Crafty Flower Tree Branch and frame from a Gorjuss Docrafts set
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card

I added a little Make It Crafty Branch in the corner - I love adding branches ;). I wanted to colour in black and white which I have not done in a very long time and I coloured my scene with my beloved Copics. I stamped the frame on a card, cut it out, and put it on 3D foam.

J'ai ajouté une petite branche dans le coin - j'aime bien remplir les coins avec des branches ;) Je voulais du Noir et Blanc, ce que je n'avais pas fait depuis longtemps, et j'ai colorié au Copic. J'ai tamponné le cadre, je l'ai découpé et monté sur mousse. 

Copics used: C00, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

Challenges I am entering:
Artistic Inspirations - Monochrome Anything Goes
Bunny Zoe's Crafts - Monochrome

We hope you'll be able to join us! Thank you very much for your visit! En espérant que vous pourrez nous rejoindre! Merci de votre visite! Bisous,
Delphine xx

lundi 14 avril 2014

Make It Colourful #8 Reminder

Hello everyone! Have you joined our Make It Colourful challenge yet? We have 2 challenges for you this month again - the Easy challenge is Purple & Turquoise and the Hard Challenge is to colour on something other than white cardstock! You can join one, or both and there is a prize of a $15 Gift Voucher to the Make It Crafty Store for each challenge! 

Bonjour à tous! Avez-vous participé à notre challenge Make It Colourful? Nous avons 2 challenges pour vou ce mois-ci encore - Challenge Facile: Violet et Turquoise, Challenge Difficile: Colorier sur autre chose que du papier blanc! Vous pouvez participer à l'un ou l'autre ou les deux! A ganger un bon d'achat de $15 à dépenser chez Make It Crafty pour chaque challenge!

I have coloured one of my favourite Make It Crafty stamps - Summer Dreams...

J'ai colorié un de mes tampons Make It Crafty préférés - Summer Dreams...

Stamp: Make It Crafty Summer Dreams
Colouring: Polychromos on Daler Rowney

I thought I would try and colour on very dark paper with pencils - I love the look of pencils on dark paper. I stamped Summer Dreams in Versafine Onyx Black on Daler Rowney dark navy blue paper and coloured her with my Polychromos. If you are looking for Summer Dreams as rubber stamp, you can find her at CC Designs for the USA and Quixotic Paperie for Europe! And HERE as digi! 

J'avais envie d'essayer de colorier sur un papier très foncé au crayon:) J'ai tamponné Summer Dreams à l'encre Versafine Onyx Black et je l'ai coloriée avec mes Poychromos. Si vous voulez trouver Summer Dreams en tampon, vous pouvez la trouver chez CC Designs pour les USA et Quixotic Paperie pour l'Europe. Et ICI en digi! 

Challenges I am entering:
Incy Wincy Designs - CAS
Kit and Clowder - Something Blue

Thank you very much for your visit! Merci de votre visite et à très vite! Bisous,
Delphine xx

A Greeting Farm scene for Quixotic Paperie

Hello everyone! I'm sharing a The Greeting Farm post today with a card I have made for Quixotic Paperie Inspiration Post - have you seen the latest stamps available from the store? They are fantastic! So I have made a little scene featuring one of the Miss Anya Night Out stamps.

Bonsoir à tous! Je viens partager une carte Greeting Farm que j'ai faite pour Quixotic Paperie - avez-vous les derniers tampons disponibles à la boutique? Je les adore! Alors, j'ai fait une petite scène avec l'un des tampons du set Miss Anya Night Out

There are three adorable Anyas in this Miss Anya Night Out set. I stamped mine onto Make It Colour Blending Card, coloured her with Copics then cut her out. On another piece of Make It Colour Blending Card, I stamped the row of houses which is from The Greeting Farm Dreamy Kit and coloured them with Copics as well. The sentiment I added is from a Tiddly Inks set - I thought the little hearts matched the houses well. 

Il y a 3 Anya dans le set Miss Anya Night Out. J'ai tamponné la mienne sur papier Make It Colour Blending Card, je l'ai coloriée au Copic puis je l'ai découpée. J'ai tamponné la rangée de maisons qui vient du set The Greeting Farm Dreamy Kit et je les ai coloriées elles aussi au Copic. Le sentiment vient d'un set Tiddly Inks et me semblait approprié avec les petits coeurs assortis à ceux des maisons. 

Challenges I am entering:
Color Me Creative - Anything Goes

That's all from me today! Thank you very much for your visit! Merci de votre visite! Bisous, 
Delphine xx

samedi 12 avril 2014

A Creative Romance with Tiddly Inks new image :)!

Hello everyone! I'm back to tell you about the new challenge at A Creative Romance with a Tiddly Inks card featuring one of the all brand new images... Have you checked them out? They are all here and they are the most delicious images!!!! I love them all, choosing one for today has not been easy :) Feel my pain lol ;) The challenge at A Creative Romance is Eggcellent Spring - so either Spring or Easter and it is sponsored by The Ribbon Girl, offering a £10 Gift Voucher to their store! 

Bonsoir à tous! Nouveau challenge chez A Creative Romance avec une carte Tiddly Inks et une toute nouvelle image... Les avez-vous vues? Elles sont ICI! Et je les adore... Le challenge est Eggcellent Spring - donc Printemps ou Pâques - sponsorisé par The Ribbon Girl qui offre un bon d'achat de £10! 

Meet Poppylicious... Et voici donc Poppylicious...

Image: Tiddly Inks Poppylicious 
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card

Copics used:
Skin: E0000, 000, 00, 02, 11, 23, R20
Hair: W5, 7, 9, 100
Poppies: R35, 37, 39, 89, C5, 7
Grass: YG01, 03, 17, 67
Bushes: G28, 43, 46, YG01, 03
Sky: BG000, BV20, C00, 01, 3
Butterfly: R05, YR04, Y38, Y00
Challenges I am entering:
Moving Along With The Times - Easter/ Spring
Divas By Design - Easter/ Spring
Papertake Weekly - Spring Has Sprung
MarkerPop - Spring

Thank you very much for your visit! Merci de votre visite! Bisous,
Delphine xx

vendredi 11 avril 2014

CC Designs Special Nurse Release

Hello everyone! We are having a Special Release post at CC Designs today - a Nurse release! The characters are all very cute and all the sentiments and accessories perfect! You can see it all HERE! Here is my little nurse, Nurse Lucy :)

Bonjour à tous! Sortie Spéciale chez CC Designs - il y a de l'infirmière dans l'air ;)! Les personnages sont super mignons et les sentiments et accessoires, juste parfaits! Pour tout voir, c'est LA! Voici ma petite infirmière, Nurse Lucy :)

Stamps: CC Designs Nurse Lucy and For The Nurses Sentiments
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
Other: Hearts A Plenty Chipboard

Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Hugs,
Delphine xx

mercredi 9 avril 2014

CC Designs Blog Hop Winner and MIM Tutorial

Hello everyone! I'm back with my MIM post for CC Designs and a tutorial on dotted backgrounds. But before that, here is my winner of the CC Designs Birthday Blog Hop:

Bonjour à tous! Me revoilà avec mon MIM pour CC Designs et un petit tutoriel sur les fonds à petits points ;) Mais d'abord le gagnant du Blog Hop CC Designs

And the lucky winner is Squirrel from Squirrel's World! Congratulations sweetie! Please email Christine at and put Birthday Blog Hop Winner (Delphine) in the suject line!

Onto my tutorial - I have used CC Designs May Day Birgitta, coloured in Copics, using the following colours:
Pour mon tutoriel, j'ai utilisé May Day Birgitta, coloriée au Copic avec les feutres suivants: 

Skin/ Peau: E0000, 000, 00, 02, 11, 23, R20
Hair/ Cheveux: C 3, 5, 7, 9
Dress/ Robe: BG000, C0, 1, 3
Shoes/ Chaussures: C0, 1, 3
Flowers/ Fleurs: E40, 41, 42, R35, 37, 39, RV52, 55, 66, YG17, 25
Ground/ Sol: W1, 3, 5
Background/ Fond: C00, 1, 3, RV52

STEP 1/ Etape 1

I have stamped May Day Birgitta with Memento Tuxedo Black Ink onto Make It Colour Blending Card and coloured her with Copics. I always colour my image first and do the background last because I use some of the colours present in the image for the dotted background. In this case, I choose to focus on black and pink, the dominant colours, and would like a soft look, so I choose my Copics C00, 1, 3 and RV52 for the background - the lightest colours of each shade I used for my image. My background will be grey with a light touch of pink.

J'ai tamponné May Day Birgitta à l'encre Memento sur papier Make It Colour Blending Card. Je colorie toujours mon image d'abord et le fond ensuite car j'utilise certaines des couleurs présentes dans mon image pour le fond. Je me suis concentrée sur le noir et le rose, les couleurs dominantes, et je veux un fond doux, donc je choisis d'utiliser mes Copic C00, 1, 3 et RV 52 - les plus claires des deux teintes de mon image. Mon fond sera donc gris avec une touche de rose. 

STEP TWO/ Etape 2

Take the darkest of your greys - C3, and with a light touch, start making little dots all around your image. I start from the bottom left, go around my character to finish at the bottom right. I put more dots very close to the lines and in the angles and add less as I move a little bit away from my character.

Avec mon gris le plus foncé - C3 - je commence à faire des petits points tout autour de mon image. Je commence en bas à gauche et je fais le tour de mon personnage pour finir en bas à droite. Je fais plus de points près des lignes et dans les coins.

STEP 3/ Etape 3

Take your next lightest grey C1, make dots in the same way, going over the C3 dots and expanding the dotted area a little.

Je prends mon gris un ton plus clair - C1 - et je fais des points de la même manière en repassant les points au C3 et en agrandissant un peu la zone de points. 

STEP 4/ Etape 4

Now take your light pink RV52 (save your lightest colour C00 for blending at the last step) and add dots in the same way, but not as many as the gray ones.

Je prends maintenant mon rose pâle RV52 (je garde la couleur la plus claire C00 pour fondre l'ensemble à la toute fin) et j'ajoute des points toujours de la même manière, mais en en faisant moins que les gris. 

STEP 5/ Etape 5

Use your lightest colour C00 to blend the dots and give a very soft look. To do so, work in flicking motions starting at the black lines and going towards the outside of your card, away from your image.

Maintenant, C00 pour fondre les points, en partant de l'image et en chassant vers l'extérieur.

STEP 6/ Etape 6
Finished card
Dotted T Photo 6 Carte

: CC Designs May Day Birgitta and Magical Wishes Sentiments
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
Other: Pearls, Martha Stewart punch

Thank you very much for your visit! Merci de votre visite! Bises,
Delphine xx

lundi 7 avril 2014

SCACD Elements Rubber Stamp Blog Hop!

Hello everyone and welcome to the SCACD Elements Rubber Stamp Blog Hop! You should have arrived from the talented Christine's blog - if not, or if you want to start at the beginning, please click HERE!

Bonjour à tous! Bienvenue pour ce blog hop SCACD qui fête la sortie de nouveaux tampons - la collection Elements! Vous avez dû arriver du blog de Christine - si ce n'est pas le cas ou si vous voulez commencer au début, cliquez ICI

SCACD is releasing four rubber stamps which are collectively called The Elements Collection. The inspiration for them is by all that is going on in nature at the moment. Thoughts of water, wind, fire and earth so powerful in nature captured in these women thru collaboration with SCACD Artist Carmen Medlin.

SCACD sort 4 nouveaux tampons - The Elements Collection. L'eau, le vent, le feu, la terre vus par l'artiste Carmen Medlin. 

The fab SCACD design team along with some fantastic Guest Designers has created an inspiring hop showcasing the new SCACD rubber stamps. If you missed part of the hop list, then check out all the details at the store blog today! 

Now available in the USA are the SCACD April 7th rubber stamp release HERE. SCACD Digital images for USA and International can always be found HERE. For locating SCACD rubber stamps, including the new release, our International Friends please check out Quixotic Paperie HERE!

Les nouveaux tampons sont disponibles ICI pour les USA, et chez Quixotic Paperie pour l'Europe ICI. Les images digitales SCACD peuvent toujours être trouvées LA

Onto my little card now... I have had the pleasure of playing with the gorgeous EARTH... and oh am I in love with this new collection!

Ma petite carte... J'ai eu le plaisir de jouer avec EARTH... très différente de ce que je colorie d'habitue, mais j'adore cette nouvelle collection

Quite CAS as always... but what a joy to colour this stamp in Copics - I had so much fun!!! I mostly used green and purple which I love together. 

Très simple comme toujours... mais vraiment quel plaisir de colorier ce tampon au Copic!!! J'ai utilisé du vert et violet en majorité, une combinaison qui me plaît bien. 

Stamp: SCACD Earth (HERE for Europe - ICI pour l'Europe)
Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card
Other: Flower punch, Spruce twigs, pearl

Skin/ Peau: E0000, 000, 00, 02, 11, 23
Hair/ Cheveux: E49, 55, 59
Eyes/ Yeux: BG000, V01
Greens/ Verts: YG01, 03, G94, 99
Purples/ Violets: V01, 04, 06, 09
Coral/ Corail: R02, 05, YR000

Your next stop on the hop is the talented Teresa! Thank you very much for your visit, have fun hopping! 
Votre prochain arrêt est le blog de Teresa! Merci de votre visite et à bientôt! Bises,
Delphine xx

samedi 5 avril 2014

Tilda's Town #99

Hello everyone! If you are looking for my CC Designs Birthday Hop post please click HERE
I'm back to tell you about the new challenge at Tilda's Town and this week's theme is Fussy & Fancy or Clean & Layered! As always you can win a $10 Gift Certificate to the store!

Bonjour! Si vous cherchez ma carte pour le blog hop de CC Designs, cliquez ICI
Me revoilà pour vous parler du nouveau challenge chez Tilda's Town, et cette semaine, le thème est "Fussy & Fancy ou Clean & Layered" soit une carte avec plein d'embellissements, ou une carte toute simple - à gagner, un bon d'achat de $10 à dépenser chez Tilda's Town!

 Tilda's Town is a most magical shop specializing in Magnolia Stamps. Over 1,100 stamps in stock at all times. Tilda's Town offers FREE worldwide shipping on every order, every day. You can also save up to an additional 20% on your purchase by using one of the famous coupon codes. Shop at and live the magic.

I have chosen to do a clean card... Surprised;)? For this one, I have combined different things for my colouring - watercolour, watercolour pencils, Pitt artist pens...

Une carte forcément simple;)... Et de l'eau cette fois ;)... Aquarelle, crayons aquarellables et un tout petit peu de Pitt...

Stamp: Magnolia Pisces Tilda
Colouring: Watercolour, Watercolour Museum and Supracolor Pencils, Pitt Artist Pens on Canson Montval
Embellishments: Dutch Doobadoo Paper Art Corners, pearls

I have only added little corners, which are Dutch Doobadoo Paper Art Corners, coloured in Copics and 2 pearls.

J'ai juste ajouté deux petits coins - Dutch Doobadoo Paper Art Corners - coloriés au Copic, et deux perles. 

Thank you very much for your visit, enjoy the rest of your day! Merci de votre visite et bonne journée! Bises,
Delphine xx

vendredi 4 avril 2014

CC Designs Birthday Blog Hop!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the CC Designs Birthday Blog Hop! You should have arrived from my talented DT sister Simone! If not, or if you are lost, you can start at the beginning HERE

CC Designs rubber stamps is turning 7 today! Seven years ago today, the first stamps were released, they were our big bunnies, Whiskers. We sure have come a long way! 
In the last seven years, we have had quite a few illustrators including AmyR, Sweet November, Chubby Pencil, Diem Animals, Love Lolita, Cookie Crumbs, Baby Buds, Drozy's Darlings, Tickled Pink, Paper Pleasing, Polly craft, Stampin' Spot Studio, Webbie Words, Cuddle Crew, Mashi's Muffins, Monkey Feet, Shaky A and Roberto's Rascals. 

In celebration of seven years, each of our blogs in the hop are giving away a $7.00 Gift Certificate to the store. Leave a comment on each blog to be entered. The hop ends Sunday April 6th at noon est.

For my card, I have used some of the latest stamps, released yesterday - the Meoples HB2U which I have combined to make a little scene:)

Colouring: Copics on Make It Colour Blending Card

Challenges I am entering:
Charisma Cardz - Anything Goes

You should now head to my teamie Amber's blog

And if you get lost along the way, here is the hop order:
Delphine (you're here:))

Thank you very much for your visit, have fun hopping! 

Delphine xx